
We saw how to run an asynchronous version of the SGD algorithm on a LRMSE problem in quick start. Here we'll use this same example to look at the following:

Working with a distributed problem

Suppose you have a make_problem function

# Note: In this example, we sample `A` and `b`. 
# In practice, we could read them from a file or any other source.
@everywhere function make_problem(pid)
    pid==1 && return nothing # for now, let's assign process 1 an empty problem
    LRMSE(rand(pid,10),rand(pid)) # the sample size is `m` is set to `pid` for demonstration purposes only

When instantiating your problems you might have three requirements:

  • Limiting communication costs and avoiding duplicated memory: loading problems directly on their assigned processes is preferable to loading them central node before sending them to their respective processes
  • Persistent data: necessary if you want to reuse problems for multiple experiments (you don't want your problems to be stuck on remote processes in start's local scope)

Depending on your needs, you have three options to construct your problems:

# Option 1: Instantiate the problems remotely
problem_constructor = make_problem 

# Option 2: Instantiate the problems on the central node and send them to their respective processes
problems = Dict(procs() .=> make_problem.(procs()));
problem_constructor = (pid) -> problems[pid]

# Option 3: Create a `DistributedObject` that references a problem on each process. 
@everywhere using DistributedObjects
distributed_problem = DistributedObject((pid) -> make_problem(pid), pids=procs())

Option 3 uses DistributedObjects. In a nutshell, a DistributedObject instance references at most one object per process, and you can access the object stored on the current process with []

communication costs & duplicated memorysingle use objectives
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3

As previously noted, Option 2 should be avoided when working with large data. However, it does offer the advantage of preserving access to problems, which is not possible with Option 1. This opens up the possibility of reconstructing the global problem.

# reconstructing global problem from problems stored locally
function LRMSE(problems::Dict)
    pids = [pid for pid in keys(problems) if pid ≠ 1]
    n = problems[pids[1]].n
    m = sum([problems[pid].m for pid in pids])
    L = sum([problems[pid].L for pid in pids])
    ∇f(x) = sum([problems[pid].∇f(x) * problems[pid].m for pid in pids]) / m
    return LRMSE(nothing,nothing,n,m,L,∇f)

problems[1] = LRMSE(problems);
# We now have access to the global Lipschitz constant!
sgd = SGD(1/problems[1].L)

Option 3 is the best of both worlds:

# reconstructing global problem from problems stored remotely 
function LRMSE(d::DistributedObject)
    pids = [pid for pid in where(d) if pid ≠ 1]
    n = fetch(@spawnat pids[1] d[].n)
    m = sum(fetch.([@spawnat pid d[].m for pid in pids]))
    L = sum(fetch.([@spawnat pid d[].L for pid in pids]))
    ∇f(x) = sum(fetch.([@spawnat pid d[].∇f(x) * d[].m for pid in pids])) / m
    return LRMSE(nothing,nothing,n,m,L,∇f)

distributed_problem[] = LRMSE(distributed_problem);
# We also have access to the global Lipschitz constant!
sgd = SGD(1/distributed_problem[].L)

It's worth mentioning that instead of problem_constructor::Function, distributed_problem::DistributedObject can be passed to start. Both of the following are equivalent:

history = start(sgd, (pid)-> distributed_problem[], stopat)
history = start(sgd, distributed_problem, stopat);

Synchronous run

If you want to run your algorithm synchronously you just have to define the synchronous central step performed by the central node when receiving answers as::Vector{A} from all the workers...

@everywhere begin
    # synchronous central step
    (sgd::SGD)(as::Vector{Vector{Float64}}, workers::Vector{Int64}, problem::Any) = sum(as)

...and to add the synchronous=true keyword to start

history = start(sgd, distributed_problem, stopat; synchronous=true);

Active processes

You can choose which processes are active with the pids keyword

history = start(sgd, problem_constructor, stopat; pids=[2,3,6]);

If pids=[1], a non-distributed (and necessarily synchronous) version of your algorithm will be run.

history = start(sgd, (pid)->LRMSE(rand(42,10),rand(42)), stopat; pids=[1], synchronous=true);

Recording iterates

The queries::Q sent by the central node, along with the iterations, epochs, times at wich they were recorded, are saved at intervals specified by the keyword saveat: every iteration and every epoch (see savenow for custom saving criteria).

You can set any or all criteria: saveat=(iteration=100, epoch=10) or saveat=(epoch=100,) for example.

To also save the workers' answers::A, simply add the save_answers=true keyword (see savevalues and report to save additional variables during execution).

history = start(sgd, distributed_problem, stopat; saveat=(iteration=100, epoch=10), save_answers=true);

Customization of start's execution

Let's look at a slightly modified version of SGD where we track the "precision" of our iterative algorithm, measured as the distance between the last two iterates.

@everywhere begin
    using LinearAlgebra

    mutable struct SGDbis<:AbstractAlgorithm{Vector{Float64},Vector{Float64}}
        precision::Float64  # will hold the distance between the last two iterates
        precisions::Vector{Float64} # record of all the precisions 
        SGDbis(stepsize::Float64) = new(stepsize, Float64[], Inf, Float64[])
    # no changes
    function (sgd::SGDbis)(problem::Any)
        sgd.previous_q = rand(problem.n)
    # no changes
    function (sgd::SGDbis)(q::Vector{Float64}, problem::Any)
        sgd.stepsize * problem.∇f(q, rand(1:problem.m))
    function (sgd::SGDbis)(a::Vector{Float64}, worker::Int64, problem::Any) 
        q = sgd.previous_q - a 
        sgd.precision = norm(q-sgd.previous_q)
        sgd.previous_q = q

Recall that we defined const AIA = AsynchronousIterativeAlgorithms


By default, you can specify the any of following stopping criteria through the stopat argument: maximum iteration, epoch and time. If any is met, the execution is stopped.

If you require additional stopping conditions, for instance "stop at current iteration if the precision is below a threshold" you can define stopnow on your algorithm:

function AIA.stopnow(sgd::SGDbis, stopat::NamedTuple) 
    haskey(stopat, :precision) ? sgd.precision ≤ stopat.precision : false

You can now set stopat to (iteration=1000, precision=1e-5) or (precision=1e-5,) for example.


By default, you can specify intervals at which some parameters are recorded through the saveat keyword: every iteration and every epoch.

If you require additional saving checkpoints, for instance "save current iteration if is below a threshold", you can define savenow on your algorithm:

function AIA.savenow(sgd::SGDbis, saveat::NamedTuple) 
    haskey(saveat, :precision) ? sgd.precision ≤ saveat.precision : false 

You can now set saveat to (precision=1e-4, time=42) or just (precision=1e-4,) for example.


By default, at each saveat checkpoint, only queries, iterations, epochs, times, answer count per worker and optionally answers and their provenance.

If you want to record other values, for instance the precisions computed at the saveat checkpoints, you can define savevalues on your algorithm:

function AIA.savevalues(sgd::SGDbis) 
    sgd.precisions = append!(sgd.precisions, [sgd.precision])


To retrieve any values held by your algorithm, for example the precisions, return them as a NamedTuple in report:

    (precisions = sgd.precisions,)

They will now be outputted by start.


When verbose>1 a progress bar is displayed. To reflect any progress other than the number of iterations, epochs, and the time, return a value between 0 to 1 (1 meaning completion) in progress:

function AIA.progress(sgd::SGDbis, stopat::NamedTuple) 
    if haskey(stopat, :precision) 
        sgd.precision == 0 && return 1.
        return stopat.precision / sgd.precision
        return 0.


Below the progress bar, by default, the number of iterations, epochs and answers-per-worker count are displayed. If you want to keep track of other values, return them as a Vector of Tuple{Symbol,Any} in savevalues:

function AIA.showvalues(sgd::SGDbis)
    [(:precision, round(sgd.precision; sigdigits=4))]

Handling worker failures

If you expect some workers to fail but still want the algorithm to continue running, you can set the resilience parameter to the maximum number of worker failures you can tolerate before the execution is terminated.

Algorithm wrappers

You are free to create your own algorithms, but if you're interested in aggregation algorithms, you can use an implementation provided in this library. The iteration of such an algorithm performs the following computation:

\[q_j \longleftarrow \textrm{query}(\underset{i \in \textrm{connected}}{\textrm{aggregate}}(a_i))\ \ \textrm{where }\ \ a_i = \textrm{answer}(q_i)\]

where $q_j$ is computed by the worker upon reception of $\textrm{answer}(q_i)$ from worker $j$ and where $connected$ are the list of workers that have answered.

The AggregationAlgorithm in this library requires you to define four methods: initialize, query, answer, and aggregate. Here's an example showing the required signatures of these three methods:

@everywhere begin 
    using Statistics

    struct ToBeAggregatedGD <: AbstractAlgorithm{Vector{Float64},Vector{Float64}}

    AIA.initialize(tba::ToBeAggregatedGD, problem::Any) = tba.q1
    AIA.aggregate(tba::ToBeAggregatedGD, a::Vector{Vector{Float64}}, connected::Vector{Int64}) = mean(a)            
    AIA.query(tba::ToBeAggregatedGD, a::Vector{Float64}, problem::Any) = a
    AIA.answer(tba::ToBeAggregatedGD, q::Vector{Float64}, problem::Any) = q - tba.stepsize * problem.∇f(q)

algorithm = AggregationAlgorithm(ToBeAggregatedGD(rand(10), 0.01); pids=workers())

history = start(algorithm, distributed_problem, (epoch=100,));

Memory limitation: At any point in time, the central worker should have access must have access to the latest answers $a_i$ from all the connected workers. This means storing a lot of $a_i$ if we use many workers. There is a workaround when the aggregation operation is an average. In this case, only the equivalent of one answer needs to be saved on the central node, regardless of the number of workers.

AveragingAlgorithm implements this memory optimization. Here you only need to define initialize, query, the answer

@everywhere begin 
    struct ToBeAveragedGD <: AbstractAlgorithm{Vector{Float64},Vector{Float64}}

    AIA.initialize(tba::ToBeAveragedGD, problem::Any) = tba.q1
    AIA.query(tba::ToBeAveragedGD, a::Vector{Float64}, problem::Any) = a
    AIA.answer(tba::ToBeAveragedGD, q::Vector{Float64}, problem::Any) = q - tba.stepsize * problem.∇f(q)

algorithm = AveragingAlgorithm(ToBeAveragedGD(rand(10), 0.01); pids=workers(), weights=ones(nworkers()))

history = start(algorithm, distributed_problem, (epoch=100,));

Note that you can implement the custom callbacks on both these algorithms by defining them on your algorithm:

report(::ToBeAggregatedGD) = # do something

Wow you read all this! Hope you find this library helpful and look forward to seeing how you put it to use!